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India D'Avignon retired in August 2022. You're welcome to sign her retirement card!
India D'Avignon holds a Master of Arts degree in piano pedagogy/choral conducting from Ohio State University, and a Bachelor of Music degree in music education from Wittenberg University. She studied with Rosemary Platt, William Walters and Michael Chang. D'Avignon was formerly a professor of piano and chair of the piano and organ department at Capital University. She hasperformed throughout the U.S. and abroad accompanying on the piano, harpsichord, fortepiano and harp. She has held the offices of MTNA Mid-West Divisional Competition chair, international president for Phi Beta Delta (an honor society for international scholars), and chair of the Undergradutate Faculty at Capital University. Recent research topics have included Lili Boulanger, and Chopin and George Sand in Majorca. She was featured on the compact disc “Christ Hall, Homage a Marc Chagall” as the director of the Glass Music Ensemble and co-produced a compact disc of “The Philadelphia Sonatas” by Alexander Reinagle on Titanic Records.
D'Avignon began serving a three-year term as chair at Cal Poly in fall 2019, then when faced with COVID-19 just months later began working to ensure students from all over campus who participate in the department’s performing ensembles to safely meet in person. She developed several new initiatives to foster student success including a Curriculum Innovation Committee, Mentor/Mentee program, Student Ambassador Outreach Program, Music Major Workshops and Chat with the Chair group meetings. She was instrumental in getting the renovation and expansion of the Davidson Music Center back on the CSU’s schedule. A highlight was when she traveled to Kenya with several choir members to participate in a choral exchange. She has served on the Academic Senate, has been involved with two national accreditation reviews of the department and is a member of the Cal Poly Arts board of directors. She was a member of the San Luis Obispo Symphony board of directors and also served as its president. She currently serves on the board for the Paderewski Festival and is a judge for several local piano competitions.