Thomas Davies Retiring After 34 Years; Choir Tour of England and Wales this Summer
Read the Message from the Chair article on Davies
To celebrate and conclude his 34 years of leading the Cal Poly choral program, Thomas Davies will lead students, alumni and several faculty members on a tour to England and Wales from June 21 to July 2. The choir will perform in Bath Abbey, the Inner East Gatehouse at Caerphilly Castle, Bangor University’s Pritchard Jones Hall, Coventry Cathedral and St. George the Martyr Church in London. Davies and his wife, Susan, remember fondly the 1987, 1990 and 1994 spring quarters when he was a faculty member in the Cal Poly London Study Program. Choir members from Cal Poly participated in the program as well, and Davies led the choirs on tours around England, Wales and Scotland.
As in the past, students are paying for the trip out of their own pockets. It is not always easy to manage the cost of going to school and paying for a trip of this kind.
The Cal Poly Choirs would welcome any financial assistance from friends and alumni of the program. Call or email Davies if you are interested in making a donation or have a question. Donations can be made securely online or with a printable donation form.
The theme of the choirs’ concert season is “A Year of Thanksgiving.” It began on Oct. 29 with the fall concert, “New Beginnings … New Horizons.” Next will be “A Christmas Celebration” at 8 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 3, with works by Professor Meredith Brammeier and with the Cal Poly Brass Ensemble. The winter concert will follow. Titled “Conductor's Choice,” the choirs will perform pieces that are favorites of Davies’, including a few from his must-do bucket list. The season will conclude with the spring concert, titled “With Thanks to All” at 3 p.m. Sunday, June 11. It will be a celebration of both Tom and Susan's 34 years at Cal Poly. Susan has accompanied the choirs all the years Tom has conducted them. All performances will be held in the Performing Arts Center.