'Bach in the Mission' Expands to 'Bach Week'

Mensa Sonora California:
Anthony Martin, violin; Charles Sherman, harpsichord; David Wilson, violin;
John Dornenburg, viola da gamba
In 2011, faculty members Thomas Davies and David Arrivée established “Bach in the Mission” as an annual, collaborative concert that would give Cal Poly student musicians the opportunity to rehearse and perform the vocal and instrumental music of Johann Sebastian Bach with faculty and local professionals. Davies and Arrivée had long wanted to apply their shared interest and experience to such an educational project, and since its inception, “Bach in the Mission” has grown each year.
Starting in January 2015, “Bach in the Mission” will be complemented by additional events. This new “Bach Week” will be devoted to the performance and exploration of the music of Bach. Events will range from a chamber music performance incorporating period instruments to the collaborative performance of large vocal and instrumental works by students and professionals. Free demonstrations and lectures will provide additional context for these performances.
The musicians of Mensa Sonora California will be the guest artists in residence this year. They will perform a chamber concert in the mission on period instruments, join our "Bach in the Mission" ensemble on modern instruments, and give a lecture/demonstration on the Baroque violin.
Below is the week-at-a-glance. For complete details, please visit the Bach Week website:
- Jan. 20: 'Inside Bach Week'
- 7:30 p.m., Davidson Music Center, Room 218
- Jan. 22: Guest Artist Presentation: 'The Baroque Violin'
- 11:10 a.m., Davidson Music Center, Room 218
- Jan. 23: Chamber Concert: 'Before Bach'
- 8 p.m., Mission San Luis Obispo
- Jan. 24: 'Bach in the Mission V'
- 8 p.m., Mission San Luis Obispo